World Central Kitchen (WCK) is a not-for-profit non-governmental organization devoted to providing meals in the wake of natural disasters. Founded in 2010 by celebrity chef José Andrés, the organization prepared food in Haiti following its devastating earthquake. Its method of operations is to be a first responder and then to collaborate and galvanize solutions with local chefs to solve the problem of hunger, immediately following a disaster. (via Wikipedia)
Mere days after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, WCK mobilized and created #ChefsForUkraine, serving meals to families traveling long distances and waiting for hours at various border crossings in Poland and then in Romania, Moldova, Hungary, and Slovakia. Since then, they have significantly expanded their reach, bringing needed food and supplies deep into Ukraine, including the hardest hit areas of Bucha and Irpin’. To date, over 16 million meals have been prepared and delivered to those impacted.
On May 27th, National Geographic Documentary Films will release “We Feed People“, a film by Ron Howard spotlighting José Andrés and the WCK organization and its work.
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